Reading 06


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This week is for writing paragraphs and as I already had my text coding done and the topics for paragraphs were chosen, my main challenge was to try to write at least five sentences in academic style and I have to say It was a challenge for me as English is my second language. Although I feel comfortable reading and listening complex text, writing in academic style is different.  

Watching a short video for reading 06 was a significant help. I learned about indentation at the beginning of the paragraph and that all paragraphs must be connected between each other and that it is not recommended to repeat the same words through the text.  

I think I did well on my paragraphs. My aim was to write them clear and understandable for other people as my topic is quite new and few people can understand straight away what the topic is about, so I tried to use academic, but simple language at the same time and follow the structure explained in tutorials. At the same time, I look forward to feedback so I can improve my paragraphs for the chapter. 


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