Project progress


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This week I started working on my project, and as we already did it before on other projects it all starts with brainstorming. I have all necessary skills now to create a never-ending game, well I hope so. By exploring many 2d games on you tube as I do not really play games, I am sure I mentioned it before, but sometimes when I come across certain games, they draw my attention. I remember I used to like playing Mario and tetras so I was thinking I can create something similar. My main character in the game should jump over obstacles and try to avoid enemies. I would like to make enemies floating towards my character. Regarding the theme, I would like to make a space game and the character will be an astronaut that tries to avoid or destroy enemies.  

I think the technique how to build the World during tutorials will allow me to create an interesting atmosphere for the Game, I am going to pay attention to tiny details and animate them, for example if it is a flower, it can bend left and right during the game, not sure yet, but would like to animate as many assets as possible  

I think if I use interesting assets that are available on Asset store the game can be very colourful, Asset store is a great platform and worth exploring it as there are many items available there for free, plus doing Ruby tutorials I exactly know how to do it now from building the World to animate my characters, so it seems to be straight forward, although I still have questions how to keep updating levels and make the more difficult, so this is an area for investigating.  


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