New Directions in Readability and Accessibility

All the speakers in the session

The presentation was extremely useful and included several tips that you as a web designer can apply when building a successful website. Successful website means being accessible for different audiences and keeping in mind basic rules and studies can help you in achieving the best results. 

Basic rules in making your website accessible depends on knowing your clients' basic needs in terms of accessing the content on your website, such as: 




Not everyone sees the same colour scheme on your website. There are plenty of people who will struggle with certain colours or colour combinations. Knowing how it works and making sure you are familiar with the basic rules when choosing colours for your website helps to make it usable for your audience. 




Plenty of pdfs on most websites have no tags which makes it impossible for readers with low sight to access the website content. The pdfs without tags they see on the website, or any other content are appeared blurred. 

 Putting a tag on pdfs solves this problem, it makes pdfs readable for people with impaired vision. 

Many organisations do not put this fact into considerations which leads to losing the potential clients. 


Also, there is a link to find out more how to put a tag on your pdf 





Applying digital rules help readers to focus on reading. Therea is lots of readers with dyslexia and even space between lines can make it difficult to absorb the content you have created, which makes the outcome you are trying to reach with it very poor. 

Digital lines are a great tool you can consider applying for accessing your content. It highlights the line you are reading and helps to stay focused. 

Especially useful tool and something to keep in mind when creating your UL/UX design. 


Different age groups read various fonts differently. Knowing your audience can help applying the proper and suitable fonts when building your website.  



This presentation is especially useful in terms of learning basic rules of UX and UL in CMS and was a fantastic addition to overall experience when it comes to building a successful website. 

The most important idea in the session was to emphasis the idea of knowing your audience when creating your content as the outcome that you would like to achieve with your content depends on the Persona you created in pre-production stage. 






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