Unity Tutorial 02, lesson 1.4
This week Unity tutorial was quite helpful as it shows how to control your vehicle to the left or right. It also shows how to control the speed on your vehicle with arrows on your computer.
I learned also how to speed up and slow down the speed of your vehicle, every change is done in Player Control code in your Editing, in me. Case it is Brackets, but I would like to use the Visual Studio for editing my code, there are options on Unity to install editor, so I am going to try it.
I also learned how to rotate my vehicle. First, I was not able to get the full control of me. Vehicle as it was either diving under the road straight after starting to drive or it was flying up into the sky.
So Rotate method helped to solve the problem, not from the first time, but now my vehicle moves properly and gives me much better control over it.
All the changes done in Player Controller script are quite straight forward and easy to use.
I am going to use this method in my Game as I decided that my Game would be an Obstacle game.
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