
Showing posts from September, 2021

Time Strategies

              Time management is one of the most important skills you should master as it helps to manage the workload and finish your tasks on time .  If I talk about my own time management, I always look at the workload 7-14 days (about 2 weeks) ahead and estimate which tasks are going to take more time and schedule to complete them first. Also, I plan my week ahead and write down how many hours are for studying, always minus the time I  spend  walking my dog, cooking for him as he is on a special diet and, I minus time I spent in the gym, so  of  this I have a n  idea how much I can do. If it takes a bit longer to finish a certain task, I finish it anyway as my plan was to finish it on a certain day. Here the power of my checklist  plays  a great part.   I read the article "How checklists train your brain to be more productive and goal-oriented"  and absolutely agree that the satisfaction. and the po...

The first impression of Technology tools we are going to use.

                                                                                  To be confident with a great variety of technology tools is very important for whatever direction you decide to take in your future. I am quite comfortable with blogging, Google Docks and different editing platforms. Also I had a chance to download Visual Studio and tried console.writeline method and have a slight idea what it is all about. I never used Unity3D before and my goal for this semester is to master this platform as it can be used in many areas in Creative Media.                                                                  ...

My first impression of assignments suggestions.

 I  went  through   several types  of assignments suggestions and some of them seem to be quite    interes ting and  challenging. I would be extremely interested in taking part in  Reading, 3 dUnity, Project and Project feedback as I would like to know what areas  I can improve at.                                                                                 This a photo of a monument in Poland taken by. id640702 Source: Wikimedia Commons                                                                                       ...

My thougths and impression about Growth Mindset

 First, I would like to say thank  you for such an inspiring topic. I have never heard about Carol Dweck, but her study is very inspiring and very close to what I think about kids education and the way how we should be rising our kids. I think using Growth Mindset strategy gives our children  a lot more space to develop in the area they are keen to improve.                                                                                 As a mother of a 19 years old son I have to say that Growth Mindset strategy helped my son to be a very successful athlete and then when It was over with professional sport , it helped him to accept the situation and transfer his desire for Challenge on his education. I always taught him that he should be looking for challenges and this is the ...

Introduction to a Future Creative Media Specialist.

                                                                                   Hi,My name is Svetlana and welcome to my Multimedia development blog. I am from Moscow, Russia, but have been living in Ireland for the last 20 years. Studying at The Third Level was always my dream, but I had to wait for the right moment. My son was a professional tennis player and It was a full time job for me, so I said to myself, when I am free , I am studying and here I am in TU Dublin and I love it. Hope you will enjoy my blog and I will learn how to do it properly. I am a very creative person and have lots of hobbies, not sure whether it is a good or bad thing ;) My main hobby is learning new things, that is probably why CDM was my choice. I love photography and believe I am pretty good at th...

My Favourite Game and my preferred character Ciri ( The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt )

           Unfortunately I am not into games ( but  maybe This Module is a good reason to start .... ) .             The only game I played before a little bit and I actually enjoyed it is ' The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt ',            and the character I have chosen for this task is Ciri Cosplay  performed by Russian actress Galina              Zhukovskaya.                                                                                                                         Model Galina Zhukovskaya cosplaying Ciri who is one of the main character ...

My First impression

I have to say It is the whole new world of games for me , so I wish myself to enjoy :) Auran Pty Ltd. now part of N3V Games and the Trainz community of content creators A view from the game. Source : Wikimedia Commons